The spiral stands for coming into being. Some consider the spiral a symbol of the spiritual journey representing the evolutionary process of learning and growing. It seems that life doesn’t proceed in a straight line. The path of life more closely resembles a spiral. We seem to pass the same point over and over again but from a different perspective each time and with new and better understanding. The symbol of the spiral can push the viewer to be flexible and have trust when things change.
Spirals are believed to represent movement through experiences in life. The Celtic in particularly viewed this symbol as one of progressive development, growth and expansion as we make our journey towards the centre and towards the light.
At the spirals centre is where we find spiritual balance and realize our deep connection to the eternal forces of nature and the universe…
embedded in the night’s darkness. The Star symbol represents our cosmic connection: We are all made of stardust…
Not only almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a star, but as well nearly all the elements in the human body. Stars have their own spiritual vibes and are wonderful “glowing” gifts of the sky. It is said that this lights are our ancestors watching over us, enlightening our lives and guiding us on our path. The Star Symbol aims to remind us to free our mind from mental borders, leave earthly nonsense behind and reach for the stars…
This symbol belongs to Sacred Geometry which believes that all life is part of a divine, geometric plan. All structures known to us are following this plan. The Flower of Life’s harmonic circular structure seems to magically attract us. It is originating in one circle and all other circles are built up around that. Sarting with the first circle, the source, the next 6 circles are identical with the cell division process. Therefore, the Flower of Life is seen as a model of God’s Creation. The name “Flower of Life” comes not from a flower imagery but from the cycle of a fruit tree.
When observing this cycle we can see that the tree grows flower buds and these eventually transform into fruits. The fruit carries the seed within and when the fruit falls on the ground these seeds eventually create new trees. This is the cycle which turns from tree to flower to fruit and tree again. It’s fantastic and reveals the miracle of life.
during a stay in the Mountains of the Himalaya (in 2012) where i feel very close to the Sky, to “God” or “other” Aliens… I started to draw a Flower of Life, respectively just the “Seed of Life”, that suddenly got Eyes and Faces…
The Aliens appeared on my paper and brought with them their
“Message of Love”!!!
and with the time the “Alien Union” would turn into an “ALIEN INVASION”…
The message stays the same, the Love gets multiplied…
or the Microcosm of the Universe.
Mandalas are used as a spiritual tool to build a sacred space and as a tool for meditation and trance induction. Working with Mandalas in any way is relaxing and brings inner peace. It can help stabilize, integrate, rearrange and rebalance inner life, and you eventually reach deeper levels of consciousness and to experience the mystical sense of unity…
When I draw mandalas, my mind becomes quiet and in can dive into the heart energy. A Mandala starts in the middle and grows slowly outwards. Through focusing on powerful symbols and repeating them, I reach a state of relaxation and contentment. I let the right side of the brain – the power of creativity – taking over and each point appears in the right place …and is just a tiny part of the big whole.
Coloring Mandalas brings me in contact with the healing effect of the colors and i am able to absorb their healing properties. Life is not just black and white, but full of colors.
I am fully aware that there are many mandalas out there, but these are, I believe, quite different and certainly unique: All my mandalas are freehand drawings that grow slowly from the middle … point by point, and I never really know what will be in the end and how long I need for it … It’s a process…that can take several hours, usually days and even weeks or months from the beginning to the last dot appears in its place…
Traditionally, a mandala grows out into the 4 directions. My mandalas are inspired by the “Flower of Life” motive and therefore growing in 6 directions…
The pointillism style and the love for DETAILS are characteristic of my artwork. I use no ruler or tool for geometric and linear drawing to create my mandalas, but my eyes and hands with a pencil and eraser at first, then i grab my beloved ink pen and start dotting my i’s…
“Drawing or Coloring a Mandala serves the creative purpose of giving something new and unique to expression and form. The process is the ascending spiral that grows up and returns to the same point again and again … ” said Marie-Louise von Franz
insired by the “flower of life” symbol – or more likely by the “seed of life” that grows into a unique flower waiting to be touched by colors…
which reveal their meaning in a message that is repeated over and over again like a mantra: “Living with open heart and free mind – simply happy! “
my Dream come true… The beauty of the Nature, the Colors and the creative Energy is giving me plenty of Inspiration. And by the way it’s said that Goa is not only a place but a state of mind.
The dance floor is not just a kind of playground where you can forget about your worries and reduce all sorts of tensions. It can transform itself into a sacred and magical place where you can revive your body, mind and soul and rediscover yourself. in order to become the best version of yourself …
Over the years, between 2004 and 2016, I did plenty of party pictures, original drawings in black and white, then colored with mostly fluorescent colors. Inspired by happy and beautiful dancers on magical dance floors, being one of them, enjoying the moment and DANCING as if there is no tomorrow …
In my first years in Goa, I felt like I was in a cartoon, amusing and funny, surrounded by unique characters and styles. Everything was bright and colorful, like a dream … somehow unreal … A place filled with energy, which did not seem to come from this world, creating an immense and intense feeling of freedom that would allow anyone to be what he / she wanted to be, and people from all directions would come to enjoy the beach and the party life.
I am totally fascinated by the ever-changing sounds, colors and movements on the dance floor, the unique and colorful Goa party fashion and the beautiful and happy people who create a powerful coexistence and sense of unity.
I get inspired by these scenes – dancing and being part of it – and i just want to capture some of those magical moments and fun experiences to share the feeling of being fully connected and aligned and always in the right place at the right time …
maybe it’s my karmic connection or just a timeless love and attraction to this country filled with mystic and magic, sacred wisdom and knowledge.
The Hindu Mythology tells stories of many different Gods – or does they just symbolize the different faces and aspects of (THE) One God, i asked myself at one point… Something or somebody so great cannot be explained with our human language, i guess, as we do not have enough words to express such an omnipotent and powerful energy. So we might divide it and make it human in order to understand the many different energies are existing…
Many colorful festivals are held in the name of these deities which inspired me to draw and express their energies and qualities. My favorite ones are the great Lord Shiva and his son Ganesh, the elephant-headed God…
Rasta in Hindi means way, therefore “rasta hai” means: There is a way…
It is said where there is a will there is a way… so where there is a way, there is a Rasta-man…
And if you think about it, Jah Rastafari lives in India. Shiva is actually a Rastaman, isn’t he?!
These artworks create a fusion of Indian and Jamaian culture and belief systems and focus on the Rasta Way of Life!
and lessons for those who know how to listen and pay attention to the signs sent from the Universe and for those who know how to decode them. The purpose of the Spirit Animals is to guide you and help you discover answers that help you to move forward on your spiritual path….
Messengers of the Divine. Dolphins are much loved by human beings because of their friendly and playful appearance, maybe because they seem to smile all the time. This pure spirits are bringing healing energy and can awaken your inner child. They are associated with Dimension Travels, Telepathic Communication and Intuition.
It’s said that throughout the process of change, Dolphins give you courage, strength and self-confidence in order to endure tumultuous waters. They are excellent swimmers and many stories are told about Dolphins rescuing humans.
Shiva ends his Meditiation…
and goes to dance…
“Es ist 5 vor 12” is a german expression with the following meaning: It’s high time. There is no time to waiste. This are the last minutes before the end of the world…
I choose the LIGHT Path…
We are all one consciousness. We are spiritual beings having a human experience…
I wish the magic doctor would come back and save humanity with his colorful medicine…
My creative way of processing the events from Saturday 29/08/20 in Zureich and other cities like Berlin, London…
I have had enough!!! I am dome! … and I am gone!
After dosing himself with acid hinself with acid in a self-experiment in 1943, Albert Hoffmen left his workplace and experienced the psychedeli effects of that powerful substance while riding home. This famous bicycle ride became a symol for the world’s first intentional LSD trip and the legendary discovery of this powerful psychedelic substane.
Every year on April 19th psychedelic enthusiasts around the world celebrate “Bicycle Day” which got its name by Professor Thomas B. Roberts from Northern Illinois University, a specialist in coursework on consciousness, psychedelics, the transpersonal and mind-body relation. In 1985 he decided to celebrate the first LSD trip by hosting a special party in his home on that day and a few years later the “holiday” spread around the world…
Obviously, i am not the only one inspired by that event 80 years ago. The probably most famous “Bike Ride” design which was used for acid blotters in the early 90’s has inspired plenty of artists around the world ro re-create this image over and over again. Originally in green, blue, red, yellow, black and white, the design now exsts in hundreds if not thousand of color and shape variations since its first appearance in 1993 or 94. It is said tha the artist who designed it is well known but wants to remain anonymous and doesn’t want to claim paternity over the design.
because powerful words are like seeds…
ready to grow and bloom!!!
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